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Sandy Robison

Owner / Instructor

Sandy is passionate about her relationship with the firearms community. Those who continue their training and skill-set development, as well as those who are new to firearms, agree as well. Sandy vowed long ago to be an Instructor who is dedicated and committed to the success of her students.


Matt Robison

Co-Owner / Instructor

There is only one thing I like more than teaching others about firearms is the training that I personally receive when I am being taught about firearms......


Pauline Zellner

Associate Editor

Writing has always been a love of mine since I was a child. Being a Christian writer is a blessing to my life. Through my writings it has blessed, encouraged and inspired others.


Patricia Mogg

Range Safety Officer

Because of their love for the Lord and their passion for helping people to train, I decided that I wanted to be a part of their team.


Monte Hostetler
Range Safety Officer

I appreciated their integration of faith into their classes.


Mike Link
Social Media and
Newsletter Manager

I am in total support and believe with all my heart in my sister Sandy and the calling God has put on her life. 

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